28 Allen St
Te Aro
We have a new regular event
” Uke Night” At The Fringe is full of Ukulele fun.
There are lots of chances to perform and improve with Uke-E-Oke, black-board concert, Ukulele tricks, and occasional new Uke products….
Run by Shane McAlister ( the man behind Ukes of Wellington ) ” I’ve had 150 Ukesters together on stage …it was fantastic.”
“There are plenty of Ukesters out there wanting to perform….either strumming solo or with their mates. Uke night @ The Fringebar in Allen St offers that opportunity. With a Uke friendly audience full of potential Ukulele Rockstars…and maybe a wine or two…what could be easier.
Practise on your couch…perform it on the stage.”
Uke Night At The Fringe 7pm Thursday September 25 and every 2ndThursday. $5.00 at the door.